Jokes Blog - thebroadroom.net: Lawyer Jokes
Lawyer Jokes
posted by Colleen Shirazi,
Friday, June 03, 2005
at 12:10 PM (Pacific)
It was so cold last winter that I saw a lawyer with his hands in his own pockets.
Q. What do you get when you cross the Godfather with a lawyer? A. An offer you can't understand.
Q. Why is it that many lawyers have broken noses? A. From chasing parked ambulances.
Q. Why won't sharks attack lawyers? A. Professional courtesy.
Diogenes went to look for an honest lawyer. "How's it going?" someone asked. "Not too bad," replied Diogenes. "I still have my lantern."
Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, an honest lawyer and an old drunk are walking down the street together when they simultaneously spot a hundred dollar bill. Who gets it? The old drunk, of course, the other three are mythological creatures.